is an exclusive device which studies the eye in its natural condition, in motion. - It can measure the movement of the eyes.
- It analyzes the complete ocular motility field.
It increases accuracy and measurement capability which:
- Helps you in your diagnosis.
- Provides you with the ability to analyze every muscle independently.
- Helps you to optimize treatments.
- Facilitates post-surgery monitoring.
- Improves surgical success rate.
It controls the gaze of the patient with the projection system and explores concrete positions.
It has an Objective Measurement independent of the Explorer.
It has Pattern Projection, Gaze Position & recording all together in the same reference system. The head movements don’t affect the Measurements.
Documentary evidence annexable to the clinical history.
- It can be printed, exported to PDF or shared by email.
- Ability to compare results from past exams.
- Helps you to give better diagnosis.
- Presents your results in an OBJECTIVE manner (for surgeries and for orthoptical treatment).
- It has legal value.
Robust ocular rotations measurements.
Ability to measure accommodation-convergence Reflex.
High potential as a Research Tool.
Helps you to reduce costs avoiding unsuccessful surgeries.
Ophthalmologists look more professional and scientific to the final customers (your patients).Nuevo párrafo